Posts Tagged ‘Nature’

A Healthy Trip into Nature

Rainforests are the lungs of the planet. The jungle is a bountiful pharmacy, the source of at least one-quarter of all prescription drugs developed for the well being of humankind. Seventy-percent of all plants identified by the National Cancer Institute for use in cancer treatments are found only in rain forests. The jungle is the only place on earth where one can breathe pure oxygen that does not come from a tank.

Antibiotics had done nothing to relieve my illness. Bedridden for twelve days, with a temperature of 102, a constant cough had left me drained. The long awaited trip to Argentina that had been planned well in advance, I feared was too much for my bronchial condition. However, when the departure day arrived I crawled out of bed, and dawned a surgical mask for the ten-hour flight to Iguazu Falls. During the flight my constant cough became so irritating the flight attendant asked me move to the back of the plane. Of course I did so, and even covered my head with a blanket during the remainder of the flight. As we deplaned, everyone cut a wide path around me, which was understandable. Continue reading

Oxygen Therapy For Weight Loss?

The chemistry sounds very straightforward. Human body fat is a combination of three elements – hydrogen, carbon and oxygen molecules (plus other substances that are stored within the fat cells). Continue reading